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(Hearts of Mamas Encouraged)

Mama, are you feeling lonely, isolated, overwhelmed, or doubting yourself in this season of mama hood?
If so, come join the Club!!!
You are not ALONE!

 We welcome mamas at any stage,
even those expecting.

We are all about RELATIONSHIPS!
Relationships with your husband,
with your kids and your friends.
Come and be
Encouraged as we unpack what the
True Gift of motherhood looks like.  
You will be Equipped with practical tools from how to love your husband well when you're over touched and talked out, how to train your kids and how to survive when
you just feel like you 
can't make it one more day.

with us.

What to Expect...

This fall our teachings will focus on "Mamahood: Now What?", "Marriage: How do I love this man I'm married to?" and "Parenting: How do I raise these kids I've been given?", along with teachings on creating family connection through the celebration of holidays.

Our gatherings each week begin with a time to socialize and enjoy a snack and coffee, followed by a teaching and then time with your small group table.

Childcare is provided each week. 

 If you have any questions or would like more information.

Please text us at

704-763-2008 or

email us at


HomeClub Kids busy at play


Our HOME club


Some of Our Loving Leaders

We would love for you to join us. We desire that no mama is left behind, feeling isolated, or disconnected.

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